Takedown requests

The team behind The History and Science of Total Solar Eclipses make every effort to comply with copyright and licensing restrictions for images featured on our website.

We try ensure that all content featured on this website is neither offensive nor defamatory and does not infringe on the privacy of anyone who has not agreed to share this information with us.

If you believe that we have breached copyright or licensing restrictions, have featured offensive or defamatory content, or you withdraw your permission for your work or personal information to be used on our site at any time, please contact either Dr Tom Elsden or Dr Deborah Kent and include the following details:

  • Your name and email address.
  • Details of your request.
  • Exact URL where you found the relevant material.
  • If your complaint relates to a breach of your own copyright, please state that you are the rights holder or are authorised to act on their behalf and provide supporting evidence.

Upon receiving a complaint, we will aim to honour your request as soon as possible.

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